Screens in Wastewater Treatment

Industrial and municipal wastewater contains large solids made up of debris and can damage downstream treatment equipment. The finest way to remove these solids is to install a wastewater screen. Screens come in various shapes, types, and sizes. It can be broken down into fine screens and coarse.

· Fine Screens

Fine screens employ wedge wire elements, perforated plates, or wire cloth. These screens are used to remove particles that may cause maintenance issues for operational problems or process equipment for the treatment procedure. Fine screens are useful in primary clarification.

Screens in Wastewater Treatment

It features an opening range from 0.06 to 0.25 inches. The small size openings permit the fine screens to eradicate 20-35% BOD and suspended solids. Step fine screens, rotary drums, or static wedge wire can be used in any particular situation. Static wedge wire screens are helpful in small municipal plants and industrial wastewater treatment facilities. These screens opt in large numbers.

· Coarse Screens

These screens remove sticks, rags, large solids, and other debris ranging from 0.25 to 6 inches. Larger treatment facilities install a mechanically cleaned bar screen, whereas outdated facilities use a mutually cleaned bar screen.

Manually cleaned bar screens need little or no maintenance at all but require routine cleaning by an operator. If you speak with wastewater operators who can work at a facility with a manual bar screen, the majority of treatment facilities gravitate towards mechanically cleaned bar screens for these reasons-

  • Give enhanced flow conditions through the screen
  • Generate a higher screening capture rate
  • Remove solids while manual cleaning is not needed.

Wastewater bar screens play an essential role in industrial or municipal wastewater treatment. A screening shields wastewater treatment equipment and enhances operations. While selecting a new screen, remove the particle sizes. You need to develop new screens that combine fine and coarse screening into one piece of equipment and be a better solution for your screening application.

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